Good morning, blog readers, from sunny and cold (21 degrees) Wisconsin where, on my morning walk after a 4-inch snowfall, I saw “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Snowdog” playing in the snow for the third time since Christmas! Thank You, Jesus!

Here are a couple of prophetic headlines that we ought to be concerned about as a nation:

#1. “Extremely concerned: American generals raise alarm over Iran’s tightening ties with Russia, China (Breaking Defense)

#2. Biden Administration’s Jitterbug with Iran’s Regime: When Crime Does Pay – Spectacularly (Gatestone Institute)

In the first article, Agnes Helou reported: “They’re trying to get what they want. They’re trying to replace the West and, moreover, the United States in our access and influence across this crucial continent,” U.S. Africa Command chief Gen. Michael Langley told lawmakers.”

As wars rage in Gaza and Ukraine, senior US military officials sounded the alarm to lawmakers about the renewed relationships between China, Russia and Iran in both the Middle East and Africa, suggesting alliances of geopolitical convenience intertwining the three could threaten America’s position in both regions.

“I’m very concerned about this renewed relationship between Russia, China and Iran,” US Central Command head Gen. Michael Kurilla told a House Armed Services hearing Thursday. What we’re seeing is Iran is reliant on China and Russia is reliant on Iran.”

In the second article, Majid Rafizadeh wrote: “The recent decision to shower Iran, the ‘leading state sponsor of global terrorism,’ with yet another $10 billion in sanctions wavers, ‘freeing up 10 billion elsewhere to spend on terrorism, missiles, nuclear weapons and the repression of Iranian women,’ defies logic and morality.”

And yet, despite all these scary headlines and alliances, the Word of God prophesies that Russia and Iran, at some time in the future, will join forces to attack Israel when she is living in peace (not now), only to be defeated and destroyed by the Lord God Himself, according to Ezekiel 38:18-39:29. Then, at a later time, the so-called “kings from the east” (Revelation 16:12) which will, most likely, include China and the other surviving nations who will be drawn into battle at Megiddo where they will be defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ Who will then set up His kingdom on earth where He will reign, along with the believers in Jesus, I believe (not all Christians do) for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:1-6). Then, there will be “a new heaven and a new earth” for the believers in Jesus for eternity (21:1-22:21). Glory to God! So, in the meantime, let us continue to watch, wait, work, witness for, walk with and worship Jesus until He comes. And, if you are still not a believer in Jesus, please agree with God you are a sinner who needs a Savior Who is Jesus (Romans 3:23, 24) and believe He died on a cross for your sins, was buried and raised from the dead (I Corinthians 15:1-4) to forgive all your sins and give you eternal life (John 3:16). Blessings, Doug (3/23/24)

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