Good morning, blog readers, from cloudy and warm (68 degrees) Wisconsin where, on my morning walk, I saw: 29 robins, 10 grackles, 7 doves, 6 geese, 3 crows, a cardinal and a deer! Thank You, Jesus!

This headline, from last month’s Technocracy News and Trends really got my attention this morning: “One Health: Climate Vaccines Are Coming For The Cattle, Then For Humans!”

In the article, Yudi Sherman asked the question: “Who gives Bill Gates and a bunch of lunatic bio-scientists the right to inject life-altering substances into all the cattle (and other livestock critical for food) of the world? No one! How about all the humans on Earth? Answer: “No one!” How about all the humans on Earth? No one! One Health thinking is off the rails: first, climate change (the ecosystem) is causing diseases in animals (the pivot), the animals, which are jumping to humans (the targets). This phony scheme is fraudulent from end to end , and if it is not stopped, it threatens all life on earth. I wrote in January that the only way to stop these genetic maniacs is to ‘take away their keycards and their containment suits, immediately escort them out of their laboratories, permanently ban them from any other scientific research for life, and then raze the buildings to the ground.” Note: “If you can’t grasp the seriousness of this, then you may be marked for depopulation – TN Editor

Keep in mind, there is an evil plan underway, straight from hell, to shrink the population of the earth to make it more “livable and functional.” Let me also remind you, from the Bible (John 8:44) that Satan (aka, the devil) is a “liar and the father of lies” whose desire is to rule the world, destroy the true church of Jesus Christ which is made up of all those who have agreed with God they are sinners who need a Savior Who is Jesus (Romans 3:23, 24) and believed He died on a cross for their sins, was buried and raised from the dead (I Corinthians 15:1-4) to forgive all their sins and give them eternal life (John 3:16). But, according to Revelation 13-22, the Antichrist will rule the world until Jesus returns to judge the earth and set up His glorious kingdom which, according to Revelation 20:1-7, I believe (not all Christians do) will last for 1,000 years, at which time Satan will make another attempt to defeat Jesus and His people, only to be defeated and cast into hell for eternity by Christ. Glory to God!

Yes, dearly beloved in Christ, He is coming! So, may we, in the meantime, continue to watch, wait, work, witness for, walk with and worship Jesus until He comes. And, if you are still not a believer in Jesus, please agree with God you are a sinner who needs a Savior Who is Jesus (Romans 3:23, 24) and believe He died on a cross for your sins, was buried and raised from the dead (I Corinthians 15:1-4) to forgive all your sins and give you eternal life (John 3:16). Thank You, Lord, for my Mom who was like a Dad to my brother and me and all the dads out there! Love, Doug (6/16/24)

10 thoughts on “CLIMATE VACCINES!

  1. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
    John 8:44


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