Good morning, blog readers, from cloudy and cool (30 degrees) Wisconsin where, on my morning walk, I saw: 2 deer! Thank You, Jesus!

This morning-headline, from the Gatestone Institute, really got my attention: “US Lack of Resolve Incentivizing China on Taiwan.”

In the article, Lawrence Kadish reported: “Bluntly put, the nations of the Free World have allowed global commerce to be held hostage by the revolutionary group of theocrat terrorists in Iran and their tribal terrorist tool in Yemen. The primary problem seems to be that so far at least, there has been no attempt to hold the ringleader accountable economically, militarily, hold-on-power or any way. This, incidentally, is the same Iranian regime that has lately escalated its enrichment of uranium to near-nuclear weapons capability (thanks to the U.S. government), and has now moved a warship to the Red Sea. That is why the Iranian regime has proxies: so that they will do the dirty work and take the hits – while the Iranians tuck into dinner. You can be sure Communist China’s leaders are closely evaluating the inadequate US responses to more than 100 attacks on US forces in Syria and Iraq – just since October.”

Now, let me remind you, from God’s prophetic word, that the Lord God Himself will take care of Israel’s enemies, including her Muslim neighbors (Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17:1), Russia, Iran, Libya, Turkey (Ezekiel 38-39) and others, eventually, China, North Korea, the other “kings from the east” (Revelation 16:12-16), the antichrist and the false prophet (Revelation 19:20, 21) when Jesus returns to the earth to set up His kingdom for 1,000 years (Revelation 19:11-21) and, finally, the devil himself (Revelation 20:7-10).

Just think of a world without the unholy trinity of Satan, the antichrist, false prophet and their demons and a new heaven and a new earth for eternity with God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, their angels and all the saints with glorified bodies in a “new heaven and a new earth” (Revelation 21-22). I can’t wait. But, wait I must and watch, work, witness for, walk with and worship Jesus until He comes. And, if you are not a believer in Jesus, you still have time to become one by agreeing with God you are a sinner who needs a Savior Who is Jesus (Romans 3:23, 24) and believe He died on a cross for your sins, was buried and raised from the dead (I Corinthians 15:1-4) to forgive all your sins and give you eternal life (John 3:16). Love in Christ, Doug (1/3/24)

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