Good morning, blog readers, from windy and mild (59 degrees) Wisconsin where, on my morning walk after a night of severe thunderstorms and tornados, I saw: 31 robins, 7 geese, 2 crows, 2 deer, 2 dogs, 2 grackles and a dove! Thank You, Jesus, for keeping us safe in the storms!

And, speaking of “keeping us safe, there was this morning-headline from Dr. Joseph Mercola: “Childhood Vaccine Schedule Led to ‘Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History.'”

Dr. Mercola reported: “A U.S. Senate roundtable discussion, hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson (yeah!), tackled a taboo topic – why public health agencies have not studied the health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children.

In 1962, children received just five vaccine doses, As of 2023, children up to age 18 receive 73 doses of 16 different vaccines; the cumulative effects of this childhood vaccine schedule have never been tested. Research shows vaccinated children experienced significantly higher instances of various health issues, including allergies, asthma, behavioral issues and gastroenteritis.

The 1986 National Childhood Injury Act requires the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to report on vaccine safety every two years, but the agency has ‘never submitted a vaccine safety report to Congress.’ Health agencies have data on health outcomes for vaccinated and unvaccinated children, but they refuse to make it public, likely due to financial conflicts of interest.”

Mercola continues: “They do not publish the results (or) let any independent scientist in to look at that information,” Brian Hooker, the chief scientific officer for Children’s Health Defense, said. They refuse to publish the results and they really know why. It’s because the bloated vaccination schedule is responsible and is, I would say, in part responsible for the epidemic of chronic disorders that we see in children in the U.S. In 1962, children received just 5 vaccine doses. As of 2023, children up to age 18 receive 73 doses of 16 different vaccines. The cumulative effects of this childhood vaccine schedule have never been tested.”

Sadly, many in the U.S. and around the world have been “following the science,” as they were told to do so by the government and its so-called “experts.” The result: more vaccines and more vaccine problems! Just another reminder that we are heading towards the government of the antichrist where anyone who does not take the “mark of the beast” will be terminated. And, if you don’t believe me, read Revelation 13. Let me remind you that, according to the Word of God, you will either spend your eternity in heaven or hell – heaven if you have agreed with God you are a sinner who needs a Savior Who is Jesus (Romans 3:23, 24) and believed He died on a cross for your sins, was buried and raised from the dead (I Corinthians 15:1-4) to forgive all your sins and give you eternal life (John 3:16) Praying I will see you in heaven. Love & prayers, Doug (5/22/24)

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